Several ellipsometers are available for measuring film thickness:  A Plasmos SD2000 single wavelength (632nm), multiangle.  A Gaertner L2W16C multiwavelength (632 & 1315nm), multiangle. A Nanospec AFT film thickness measurement system.  And an Applied Materials Technology AME 550 ellipsometer.

Thickness of opaque films and step heights can be measured with either the Tencor P1 or Dektak IIA profilometers.

The Microfab has a Joel JSM 840 SEM for up to 50,000 times imaging, and there is further SEM/TEM/EDS access available at Carleton’s Nano Imaging Facility :

A complete 1 MHz CV test station consisting of a hot chuck with a Signatone temperature controller and computer-controlled HP4280 CV meter is available to test gate dielectric quality.